/manager/Index en-au 5 How nice is too nice? Australian book reviews and the 'compliment sandwich' /manager/Repository/uon:29477 Kill Your Darlings in 2010 and has continued in other literary publications. It takes up Ben Etherington's claim that 'too nice' reviewing is characterised by the 'compliment sandwich' in which critique is surrounded by mollifying praise. It offers a 'distant reading' of two years of fiction reviews in the Australian Book Review, applying a manual appraisal analysis to demonstrate that book reviews in Australia's flagship reviewing publication do often adhere to the compliment-sandwich form. The article then returns to the question of 'too nice' reviewing, and applies a modified Bourdieusian analysis to examine how reviewing debates have served as proxies for larger disputes between institutions and interlocutors in the literary field.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:55:45 AEST ]]> Peer review and its contribution to manuscript quality: an Australian perspective /manager/Repository/uon:5525 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:46:40 AEDT ]]> Learning to be confident and capable journal reviewers: an Australian perspective /manager/Repository/uon:22321 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:14:43 AEDT ]]>